Ali Boone is a pilot, an aerospace engineer, a real estate investor, a rugby player, and a self-proclaimed BEACH BUM. When someone asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up…her answer was “happy!”. In my mind, Ali is the perfect example of the modern entrepreneur…she’s intelligent, extremely gutsy, she’s not afraid to take chances, and most of all, she’s determined to follow her own path and her own dreams instead of settling for what the world might tell her she “should” be doing.
No Time Is Wasted Because There’s Always Something You Can Learn:
Ali went through something similar to a lot of people these days when she realized that she was on a career track that she really didn’t want to be on. Her particular career took a lot of training, education, time and money, however, she knew it just wasn’t right for her. Instead of feeling like she wasted all that time doing something she wasn’t going to end up pursuing, she viewed it as valuable experience for what she wanted to do next. She learned tons of skills and knowledge that she was able to take into her own business and was able to utilize those experiences instead of regretting them. Don’t be afraid that you have wasted your time if you decide to change career paths. There is always a lesson you can take from those experiences that will be of value to you moving forward.
Use Your Company Name & Branding As A Filter:
Ali’s company name struck me immediately when I first read it. His[er Investments is definitely a unique name and it made me curious about what they do. Ali shared that that reaction was exactly what she was going for. The name Hipster Investments made people stop and click because it’s different and that really worked to her advantage. She also shared that it was a way for her to filter out who she wanted to work with and who she didn’t. People’s reaction to her name and branding gave her some insight on if they were the type of person she would get along with. You can tailor your branding to really attract and repel so well that eventually you will only be approached by your ideal clients and ideal partners.
Just Because You Have The “Dream Job” Doesn’t Mean You’re Living Your Dream Life:
We talk about in the episode how cool Ali’s former job seemed. She was doing something that most people would say is a dream job. However, she said no matter how “cool” her job seemed, no matter how nice the job security was, no matter how great the paycheck was…it just wasn’t her. In the end, even if that corporate job seems to have all the qualities everyone is telling you should fulfill you, if you’re not being true to yourself then you will feel like something is missing.