A year ago before I started my business I asked myself the question…”If you could choose to do anything for the rest of your life what would you do?” When I was finally was honest with myself and really though about it, everything that came to mind was something I had always viewed as a hobby. I loved doing those things but I never saw them as something that could make me money or turn into a career.
I think anyone who has started their own business and tried to create a job for themselves that they love has though the same thing. We tend to view work as a necessary evil…something to pay the bills and get us health insurance but not as something we get to enjoy. But what if it could be something we not only enjoy, but something we wake up everyday excited to do?
Hannah started off viewing her photography as a hobby. She was in school, working other jobs and doing photography on the side as just something she enjoyed every now and then. Then one day her mindset shifted. She realized that this hobby was actually something that could turn into an actual job. In this episode Hannah and I talk all about how she went form side hustler to full time photographer and transformed her hobby into her dream job.
Find A Mentor:
So you’ve made the decision to try to make your hobby something more but you’re feeling a little lost. Trust me no one started knowing everything. Whether you’re at the very beginning of your journey or you’ve been working at this for a while, we all have something to learn.
When Hannah started, she knew that there were things about photography and running a business that she still needed to learn. So she reached out to another photographer in the area and asked if she could shadow them. Finding a mentor or someone to shadow is one of the best ways to learn on the job and see how someone else runs their business. I believe that we learn much better by doing than simply researching or reading a book.
By shadowing someone in your field, not only will you be able to ask questions in real time, you’ll also be able to see and learn from their mistakes and successes and apply that knowledge to your own business.
Don’t Be Afraid To Change:
As we grow, change is inevitable. That also goes for your business. So often business owners get so attached to their brand or the way they do things that they miss the opportunity to grow and evolve as time goes on.
Throughout your journey your brand and voice will constantly evolve. And that’s ok. Consistency is good however resistance to change can get you stuck and keep you from learning and experiencing things that can help your business.
Hannah reevaluates where she is in her business and where she wants her brand to go by asking herself three important yet simple questions:
1. What do i like about my work and my brand?
2. What do I not like?
3. Why?
Learn To Embrace The Slow Seasons:
Being busy is great but let’s be honest, there will be slow seasons in our business. Just because things aren’t crazy busy doesn’t mean that you aren’t doing well or that you’re not being productive. These slow seasons can be a great time to step back and take care of things that you might not have been able to get to before.
Try to shift your mindset and realize that hustle also comes with flow. Take that time to rest your mind and your body and reset so that you will be refreshed when things pick up again. There will always be more work so give yourself a break and enjoy the down time.
Resource List:
Get In Touch:
hannah@ hannahforsberg.com