Content generation may seem simple enough when you’re just in the beginning stages of your business. However, what happens when you start running out of ideas? When that time comes, here’s how to generate tons of content ideas using 3 simple techniques.
Keeping tabs on your competitors is important. You’ll know what their latest products are, you can identify any upcoming threats to your business, and you’ll know probably know the latest news in your industry.
Make bold predictions
You can check the latest trends in your industry, and try to foresee the future based on this trend. When you’ve established your brand as a thought leader in your niche, then it’s okay to make even more bold predictions (a.k.a. educated guesses) about the future.
What are people asking?
There are plenty of question and answer sites on the Internet. The top one right now is Quora, but Yahoo! Answers is still popular as well. There are also plenty of forums you can browse and industry-specific pages and groups on Facebook and other social media channels. If you keep your ear to the ground, you’ll find plenty of questions (and answers) you can use to build your content on.
You don’t even have to look very far to know what people are talking about. You can go over your blog’s comments and check if anyone’s shared some interesting tidbits. You can even ask people on your mailing list to tell you what kind of content they want to read on your website! Many people will be happy to share if you ask nicely.